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Your server-defined components can show toasts to the user with Tamagui's Toast Components and Burnt.

Client Installation

First, install kit-tamagui. Then:

npm install @rise-tools/kit-tamagui-toast @tamagui/toast burnt

In the <Rise> client, include the toast actions:

import { useToastActions } from '@rise-tools/kit-tamagui-toast'

// when rendering <Rise>


Tamagui Toasts require a provider, which can be configured according to the docs, or you can wrap your app with our built-in ToastProvider component:

import { ToastProvider } from '@rise-tools/kit-tamagui-toast'

function App() {
return (

Server Helpers

Use this helper to generate type-safe toast actions from your server.

import { toast } from '@rise-tools/kit-tamagui-toast/server'

In an example button handler:

onPress={toast('You did it!', 'Well Done', 2000)}
Do It.

toast(title: string, message?: string, duration?: number)

JSON Action

Your custom server may provide the toast action by using the action definitions:

$: 'action',
action: 'rise-tools/kit-tamagui-toast/toast',
title: 'Toast Title',
message: 'Additional Text to display', // optional
duration: 4000, // optional