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JSON Types

This is the base functionality of Rise, to specify which components will be rendered in your <Rise>

$: 'component',
key: 'myRow', // used to specify sort order
component: 'XStack', // this component must be defined in your Component Library
props: {
gap: '$2'
children: [
$: 'component',
component: 'Button',
children: 'Tap A'
$: 'component',
component: 'Button',
children: 'Tap B'

There are several context you may wish to specify JSON data:

Root Model State

These are the values that may be referenced by your <Rise /> component:

Prop Model State

These values may be included in the props object of your component values:

Callback Model State

These are specific JSON values that may be used for a callback prop of your components:

Model Path

A model path is a list of strings (path terms) which are concatenated by / to form a path to a specific model state.

As such, each path term may not contain a / character.

Component Model State

The primary way to specify which component to render here.

$: 'component',
key: 'myRow', // used to specify sort order
component: 'Button', // this component must be defined in your Component Library
props: {
gap: '$2'
children: 'Text'

$: 'component'


Required string or number which will be used to sort client components


String key of the component in your Rise component library.


Prop values that will be passed to your component


More Root Model State values that will be rendered as the children of this component


Your store data can include references to data from other stores.

$: 'ref',
key: 'myOtherThing',
ref: 'otherPath'

Refs can be specified as arrays, to look up data within objects and arrays of the other path value:

$: 'ref',
key: 'myOtherThing',
ref: ['otherPath', 'key1', 0, 'key3']

You can specify Refs as children components or props of any component. (Maybe even deep props?)

Action Model State

For props that expect a callback, use an $: 'action' type to specify that a client-side action will be called.

$: 'action',
name: 'navigate', // the name string is required
// other action fields may be included here, to pass to your client when this action is called

This action should be handled with the <Rise onAction={() => {}} handler.

You may also specify an array of events to a callback prop, allowing you to trigger multiple actions at once.

$: 'action'

name: string

The key of the action which will be called from the actions prop of <Rise>

Other Fields

You may send additional data in the action which will be used by the action handler.

Event Model State

For props that are treated as events or callbacks on the client, you may use an $: 'event' type to specify that the client will make a request to the server when this happens.

$: 'component',
component: 'Button',
props: {
onPress: {
$: 'event',
children: 'Tap me'

You can listen to the events with the onEvent prop on <Rise>.

onEvent={async (event) => { // Note: all events are async
// You can use this technique to monitor events before they are sent to the server/modelSource
// This is the default behavior of onEvent:
return await model.onEvent(event)
// If you don't call model.onEvent from your onEvent handler, the server will not see the event!

The Event Model State contains:

$: 'event'

Other fields

You may specify any field here that will be recieved by the server.

Event Request Payload

The event payload will be sent to the server through the WebSocket connection or HTTP POST request.

$: 'evt'


The client will generate a unique key for each event that it transmits. This is especially important for the WebSocket API which uses this key to identify the response payload


Describes the component that trigerred the event:

  • key - optional, present only if it was explicitly set by you
  • path - path to the component in a rendered tree
  • component - name of the component that trigerred the event, e.g. "TouchableOpacity"


Name of the event handler, e.g. onPress.


First argument that was passed to the event handler, shape is specific to the component that trigerred the event.

Note that native events can not be serialised. For TouchableOpacity's onPress, you will receive [native code] instead.

Event Response Payload

This structure is used to send information back to the client as the result of server-side code.

$: 'evt-res',

$: 'evt-res'



These actions will be called by the <Rise> component when it receives an event response.