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Render a QRCode in your app using the React Native QRCode SVG library.

Client Installation

npm install @rise-tools/kit-qrcode react-native-qrcode-svg react-native-svg

You must also configure react-native-svg in your project. If you're using Expo, run:

npx expo install react-native-svg

If you have already configured @rise-tools/kit-svg, you can skip this step.

In the <Rise> client, include the QRCode component:

import { QRCodeComponents } from '@rise-tools/kit-qrcode'

// when rendering <Rise>


Server Helper

import { QRCode } from '@rise-tools/kit-qrcode

Then you can render the component from your server models:

<QRCode value="" />

Component Props

React Native QRCode SVG supports the following props:

type Props = {
/* what the qr code stands for */
value?: string;
/* the whole component size */
size?: number;
/* the color of the cell */
color?: string;
/* the color of the background */
backgroundColor?: string;
/* an image source object. example {uri: 'base64string'} or {require('pathToImage')} */
logo?: ImageSourcePropType;
/* logo size in pixels */
logoSize?: number;
/* the logo gets a filled rectangular background with this color. Use 'transparent'
if your logo already has its own backdrop. Default = same as backgroundColor */
logoBackgroundColor?: string;
/* logo's distance to its wrapper */
logoMargin?: number;
/* the border-radius of logo image */
logoBorderRadius?: number;
/* quiet zone in pixels */
quietZone?: number;
/* enable linear gradient effect */
enableLinearGradient?: boolean;
/* linear gradient direction */
gradientDirection?: string[];
/* linear gradient color */
linearGradient?: string[];
/* get svg ref for further usage */
getRef?: (c: any) => any;
/* error correction level */
ecl?: "L" | "M" | "Q" | "H";
/* error handler called when matrix fails to generate */
onError?: Function;

JSON Component

Your custom server may define the QRCode component by using the component definition:

$: 'component',
component: 'rise-tools/kit-qrcode/QRCode',
props: {
value: ''