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Contributions are welcome! For easy fixes and documentation improvements, please go ahead and make a pull request.

For larger feature additions or anything that requires a time investment, please create an issue or discussion so the maintainers can help guide you and avoid wasting your time.

We really appreciate your contributions to the code and the community.


First check out the Rise Tools repository and install dependencies:

git clone
cd rise-tools
npm install

Run Tests

npm run test

You can also run a specific test and use watch to keep the tests running as you make changes

npm run test -- model-view --watch

Run Playground

You can develop by running the Playground in the iOS simulator. Please make sure you are set up for developing Expo/React Native apps.

First cd apps/mobile

For iOS: npm run ios For Android: npm run android

Run Demo Server

First cd example/demo

npm run dev

Now you can open the demo server from the Playground app. Connect to ws://localhost:3005 and one of the following paths:

  • inventory
  • controls
  • delivery

Pull Requests

We follow the Conventional Commits Pattern for our commits and PRs. So each commit should be prefixed with:

  • breaking: - Make a breaking change triggering a major version
  • feat: - Add a feature
  • fix: - Fix a bug
  • refactor: - Internal only changes
  • chore: - Minor changes
  • docs: - Changes to documentation

We use these commit messages to determine SemVer versions and to create a release changelog.