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Our reference implementation of a server that will provide UI/UX to your Rise client. If you want to build a custom server (or use a different language), see the Rise Server Spec.

All components that your server uses must be available on the client. For these examples we will assume you are using the Rise Kit, but you can apply these ideas to your own client components

Here is a simple example of a server which defines a counter component which uses a state and a view model. All users will see the same count.

Note: This example uses the experimental JSX feature. If you don't use JSX, your view will return the raw Component JSON.

import {state, view} from '@rise-tools/server'

const [count, setCount] = state(0)

const incrementer = view(get => (
<Text>The count is {get(count)}</Text>
<Button onPress={() => {
setCount(c => c + 1)
Plus 1

createWSServer({ incrementer }, 8888)

Your client component will be configured to refer to this server, with the appropriate "path" set:

// Prepare the model source for this server
const modelSource = createWSModelSource('ws://localhost:8888')

// Render the View:
components={{ ...kitComponents }}


These logical elements can be composed to express the UI content in your server.


We provide a HTTP server, a WebSocket server, plus a server which includes the functionality of both.

Extended Examples

See our example code on GitHub for a larger example of a server.

Here are the example UIs that have been implemented: